“To Do” List Before Publishing an App to The App Store

If you are planning to make an app for your business or creative idea (it is currently one of the most exciting digital media platforms with a huge market that is growing day by day), then you should go through this blog and understand the steps that you need to follow.

Here we will take you through the process of the checklist (To Do) to ensure that the app that you have developed should function well and it should be well received by the targeted audiences too. Must check your app with following app publishing checklist.

The app should return you best on your investment.

1. Know all the rules and regulations of the app store

When you are in the process of developing an app for a platform (Android, iOS or Windows), the first part is to know about the rules and policies of the app store. The reason for being aware of the rules of Play store or Apple app store is that both of these stores follow very strict policies of which app to display. If you miss out on this then all your effort will be in vain as they will reject the app that you have developed so painstakingly.

If you are looking for Android app development or iPhone app development then must check with the Android and iOS app publishing checklist. Carefully go through it so that you do not forget anything and you can plan your app very well. If you follow all the rules, then your app will be cleared for hosting on the Play Store or Apple App store.

2. Look at how to monetize the app

Monetizing your app is a very important decision that you have to make. If you want to have a large number of users, then providing it for free with the in-app advertisement to recoup the cost is one such option. However, if you have developed an exclusive app with a lot of online support, you can decide whether a user will want to pay for it and how much.

You can also provide some features of your app for free and reserve some premium features for paid subscribers. Always try to figure out whether the app that you have developed is something so special that people are willing to pay for it.

3. Research the market before starting an app development process

Developing an app is a pretty long and challenging process and it takes a lot of effort. You do not want all the effort go in vain by developing an app that has very few takers in the app store. Therefore, researching the market demand for the app that you want to develop is an important issue. While doing the market research you have to also look at all other similar apps that are already in the market and how popular they are. This will give you an idea as to what features to focus on and what you can leave to make a very popular app for your targeted audiences.

4. Testing and optimizing the app

It is important to test the app rigorously before putting it in the App Store. The app should perform flawlessly when a person installs it on his phone. You have to keep in mind all the protocols that you need to follow so that the app does not hang and performs the way it is designed to. The testing should the most important part of app store publishing checklist because if you publish your app without proper testing, users will get disappointed, uninstall rate will be increased, chances to get more negative reviews and finally it results in lower rankings.

Optimizing your app is also important to rank your app higher in the app market. There are thousands of apps displayed in the app market and a visitor only look at the top 10 or 15 of the apps before choosing the one that catches his fancy. To ensure that the app that you have developed is ranked higher on the list, you have to use popular keywords in describing the app. Android and iOS app stores follow different protocols to rank apps. You need to be aware of these protocols to get a better ranking of your app.

5. In which countries do you want to launch your app?

If you have developed an app with premium features that target some niche market, then you have the option of launching it in some selected countries. This will increase its exclusivity image and you may get a good price from those targeted group of people who like to pay for an app that provides high-quality services.

6. Keeping the size to a minimum

Always keep in mind that the app that you are developing should not take up too much space on the phone. As data services are available at a premium, it would do your app a world of good if you keep the overall size small.

If you want to add some extra features, then you can take the help of cloud server to host all that extra information that the app user can extract by logging on to it. However, do not make the mistake of putting all the useful information online only as it will hamper the functionality of the app in case there is any disruption in the Internet services at a particular area.

7. Advertise your app

You have to advertise your app on the Internet through the social media so that a large group of people comes to know about it. You can advertise your app through the social media like the Facebook, WhatsApp etc. Before doing any advertising campaign makes sure to find out your targeted group of people who are likely to download your app. Next, find out what type of social media platform they use. Once you have identified it, then you can launch the advertisement campaign on those social media platforms so that the news of your app reaches the right group of people for better conversion rate.

Here, we conclude our to-do list for publishing an app on the leading app stores. By following all these things properly, you can publish your app effectively. To know more, you can refer to this guide on How to launch an app. By thoroughly following the points in this guide you can launch your app and make it successful.



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